Pre-Trial Exchange Program

Pre-Filing Exchange Program

Are you a Prosecutor looking for options for managing your Pre-Trial (pre-filing) Diversion Program?

In Cooperation with participating County and District Attorneys, PDS administers, monitors, and reports results of this Specialized Pre-Filing Intervention Program. The program is designed to assist the Prosecutor’s office in addressing community and victim restitution along with offender behavior change needs while also freeing up resources to address more serious offenses.

Prosecutors enlisting the service of PDS to administer their Exchange Program refer defendants that meet the criteria set by the elected Prosecutor and their staff. Referred cases usually involve misdemeanor or felony, first-time and / or non-violent offenders. Most often the referral occurs prior to the formal Information or Indictment process. The Participant is advised by the Prosecutor’s office of the criminal complaint and the defendant’s eligibility to participate in the program in exchange for an acknowledgement of guilt and agreement to meet all program requirements.

The Participant is then referred to PDS where our staff monitors completion of the required PDS Behavior Change Program, locally conducted Community Service work, and advises the Participant in making Restitution payments as directed by the Prosecutor. Please note that some jurisdictions require the Participant to obtain an attorney to provide counsel throughout the program period.

Agencies or officials interested in learning more about The Exchange Program and how PDS can assist your office in administering a successful Pre-Trial Intervention Program should call PDS today and ask to speak to the Executive Director regarding the Exchange Program. 1-800-775-3220.

If you have received notice from the County or District Attorney regarding your eligibility to participate in the Exchange Program in lieu of further court action, you should contact PDS staff at 1-800-775-3220 for further information. All referrals for this program must come through the Prosecutor’s office. PDS can not assist you in receiving a referral to the Exchange Program and we do not provide any legal services or advice.